Token Base Information
Contract Address: 0xC298812164BD558268f51cc6E3B8b5daAf0b6341
Token Tracker: Plata (PLT). Timestamp: Sep-09-2022 22:22:52 PM UTC. Creator Address: 0xa8881192A70FF985100426D26d6510340b99eDeE.
Token Name: Plata. Token Symbol: PLT. Decimals: 4. Blockchain: Polygon (Ethereum 137). Token Type: Layer-2 Polygon ERC20(Ethereum Request for Comments 20). Block Explorer:
Currently Supply: 22,299,000,992 PLT. Max Supply: 20,000,000,000 PLT. KYC Required: No. PLT Tokens Generated per MATIC: 5000 PLT.
Softcap: 10,000 USD. Start Unit Price: 1 PLT = $0.0001 USD. Crypto Payment Methods: MATIC, Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB, Litecoin, Monero and Dogecoin. Fiat Payment Methods: Cash, Card, SEPA, PIX, TED and Paypal.
Last updated
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